Srila Prabhupada's "dictionary"

Manidhara Das
04 Aug 2018

In the ocean of Srila Prabhupada’s divine qualities we can find one which is truly revolutionary:

His use of words

His precise definition and total absence of generally superficially used words “in the world of names only”, as Srimad Bhagavatam defines this place.


Dog sees the world predominantly through his nose, some animals do see first through their ears, and a karmi sees through his eyes. But a devotee is advised to see the world through sastra caksu, eyes of the sastra. That means in present context to see the world through the eyes of Srila Prabhupada. And what an exciting experience it is! Just to walk with Srila Prabhupada in the early morning hours resulted in unforgettable memories of unique moments, which are eternally engraved in the minds of those who were blessed to join those walks.


Srila Prabhupada never indulged in superficial word jugglery in order to create a comfortable situation for the conditioned soul. Yes, he might have exchanged some initial pleasantries with a very conditioned guest, just to put him more at ease and ready to listen, but very quickly even entirely unprepared person was confronted with His sharp vocabulary exactly defining the meaning and the purpose of a particular word. And so even exchange of few words with Srila Prabhupada became an opening to the listener to entirely new dimension of perception.


Here are few examples from Srila Prabhupada’s dictionary which demonstrate how exact He was and how misinformed and miseducated we are, accepting daily emotionally biased smoke screens created by superficially used words with the aim to make us to agree with the unlimited variety of illusory concepts, served to us by media and those who operate it.


When Srila Prabhupada spoke a word:


Silence.......................meant speaking all the time exclusively about Krsna

Non-violence.............meant helping somebody to advance spiritually

Violence.....................meant stopping somebody to advance spiritually

Sannyasi....................meant the one who does the needful

GBC ………………….meant the one who monitors spiritual standards

Temple president.......meant the one who is managing temple affairs

Scientific....................meant authorized by sastra

Love...........................meant Love of Godhead...and consequently His parts, (not only His parts)

Simple........................meant essential, not “primitive” as some may think

Scientist.....................meant a demon

Knowledge.................meant to know what is to be known

Depressed.................meant to be overwhelmed by material desires

Lazy...........................meant not spiritually interested

Hippie.........................meant “something extraordinary”, the one seeking distinction

Brahmana..................meant the uncompromising lover of Truth

Women.......................meant chaste

Man............................meant responsible

Child...........................meant obedient.

