Srila Prabhupada: The Voice of Ultimate Sanity

07 Oct 2024

Much to the displeasure of the globalists, humanists, altruists, feminists, socialists, pseudo-spiritualists, and all those who define their identity to be the body, Srila Prabhupada defined the ultimate reality in ways totally opposite to the present understanding maintained in the society.

Those rascals who dare to attack his words are little aware that his words entirely reflect the statements of the scriptures, which are often from our mundane point of view radical and “abusive” to our sentimentality. Here goes the idea of oneness to be found by “love and peace” in regards to our bodily identities; here goes the absence of any races and the loving global community of classless environmentalists; here goes the glory of economic development cherished as the ultimate goal of progress; here are all our hopes for happy living in this material world destroyed. 

How is it then possible that Srila Prabhupada day and night dedicated his energy to make our lives better even when living in this world? By giving them a spiritual basis, he advocated in a pragmatic way the best ways to survive in this place and simultaneously get ready to leave it and never come back again. He taught us how to “make the best business out of a bad bargain.” 

It is indeed amazing for any person seeking sanity how the demoniac leaders of society advocate bodily welfare and simultaneously introduce people in general to an absolutely body-devastating hedonistic lifestyle. This contrary type of propaganda is only another testimony for their poor brain substance. First they introduce deadly substances being injected into our bodies, then they advocate the solution to the precarious situation they created... only to create a situation even worse than the previous one. Such is the brain of demons.

As much as Srila Prabhupada's statements were firm and uncompromising, they established simple common sense. Much of his preaching can be proven to be absolutely accurate simply on the basis of empiric perception. To understand that life comes from life, that action evokes a reaction, or that we are not the ultimate controlers of our destiny doesn't need some mystic powers. Just plain common sense is required. I don't wish now here to give detailed examples of Srila Prabhupada's plain and logical statements, which may be agitating to some who don't understand them.
I don't want to encourage rascals to raise their voice again in criticism of His Divine Grace. Personally, I hope not to meet them, as my response may not be of a brahminical kind. After all, I am not brahmana.

Such rascals are and will be automatically punished by dint of material energy, having their arogant voices being silenced by swiftly approaching ghastly disease and death.

I cherish the association of devotees who may not always be ISKCON-institutionally publicly recognised and who, in all discretion, cultivate their spiritual lives in total chastity towards Srila Prabhupada words. May they never be discouraged to hear how his usage of words was often misunderstood by envious individuals who present themselves to be liberal but are most cruel at heart. Even though there were attempts to edit out the “politically uncorect” statements in Srila Prabhupadas purports, it is hard to change the whole stastra to make it sound pleasant to the public.

The usage of the word “rascal” was very frequent in Srila Preabhupada's speech, and with increasing success of his preaching, it became even more frequent.
Srila Prabhupada, initially strategically careful, seeing more open field to speak the truth, became more and more firm in his speech when reaching the final time of his vapu-presence with us on this planet. Those who could take such firm treatment progressed rapidly in their spiritual lives; those who couldn't left. 

And those who tried to pervert Srila Prabhupada's ultimate words until today? They earn only Srila Prabhupada's most fierce anger, as he was tolerant towards stupidity but never tolerated those who broadcasted their phantasies, confusing the innocent and ignorant ones by deviating type of propaganda. An “active fool” is the most dangerous type of species, as he is eager to confirm his illusions by dint of others. Narcists and other types of individuals are invasive types of creatures, always eager to infect others with their ignorance. Having nothing to invent by dint of their poor brain substance, they even use sastric statements in a manipulative way to make us believe they are operating on a spiritual platform.
Such pseudo-spiritualists were most heavily attacked by Srila Prabhupada, as much as he had to tolerate the falldowns based on weakness from the side of his disciples.

Tolerating doesn't mean accepting, in Srila Prabhupada's understanding. Some of his first hippie followers might have forgotten that on the way as they maintained their hippie mentality in the name of Krsna Consciousness until today.

And so it is needed to understand that even when using firm vocabulary, it is important to understand the ways Srila Prabhupada used it.

Here is just one example that is, in today's context, occasionally used to create agitation and doubt in regards to the absolute statements of His Divine Grace:

When Srila Prabhupada stated that “women like to be approached aggressively,” by no means he meant to authorise any sort of rape or abuse. He clearly stated that they like men to take the initiative, but ultimately they should be protected and maintained like children. Already in his presence, Srila Prabhupada was attacked fiercly for these words by visiting feminists and humanists, but he didn't change one word in his presentations. Seeing women as children means to authorise child abuse? Certainly not. Srila Prabhupada advocated a death sentence for proven child abusers. We love children with all their ocassional emotional driven illogical ways of acting. All those women who dedicate their lives to the mission of Srila Prabhupada command only the highest form of respect. 

Amazingly, the more firm were Srila Prabhupada's statements, the more women joined his movement. His fatherly loving, totally unsexual approach to them was so encouraging. After all, to be a woman and find a man who is not sexually motivated in the presence of a woman is not easy. Managing many women in my time in ISKCON, I was always amazed at how inspired they were to serve the Supreme Lord despite Him Himself declaring them to be “less intelligent.” It was the unconditional love. Srila Prabhupada's words and activities were filled with love beyond bodily boundaries, which attracted us all to His Divine Grace. In his presence, being a woman or a man was a secondary consideration.

And so we should be cautious to understand Srila Prabhupada's firm speech and not use it in order to exploit others. As Srila Prabhupada pointed out to his preachers:
“This philosophy is very sharp, like a sword. Be cautious how you use it.”

The history of ISKCON has unfortunately proven to us that some did cut their own throats by dint of the very same sastra they used in an inappropriate way. This may be a warning for any materialist joining with duplicious motivation Srila Prabhupadas original movement; it may turn out to be deadly for him or for her. Purity is the force Srila Prabhupada established, and purity of purpose is the ultimate power behind all preaching. Populistic prostitute type of “preaching” may be for a short time pleasing for the ears of the public; after all, most people want to get cheated as lies come so easy, but when truth becomes evident, those who strive for real Krsna Consciousness become envigorated. 

When the battle of Kuruksetra ended, not many were left. From millions of warriors, only those survived who were firmly clinching to Krsna's lotus feet.
In this way, we can perceive the Hare Krsna Movement as not being very big in numbers. Many come and many go again. But those who really are connected to the mission of Srila Prabhupada strive and go on.

When, as a slovakian immigrant, I joined the Srila Prabhupada's movement in 1972 in Germany, I was confronted with the worst type of prosecution, not only from the German officials but also from the German public in general. Those were the days where walking on the street in dhoti and with tilak automatically led to the visit of the next German police station. Fortunately, things changed.

The “Sektengefahr,” the danger of the invading sects, was advocated on every front page of the daily reappearing newspapers. When finding out we as Srila Prabhupadas book distributors are the Hare Krsnas, people were shocked, instantly calling police.
Amused by such hysteria, we used to ask people on the street how many Hare Krsnas they think there are in Germany. Nobody said less than fifty thousand.
After all, “we saw you everywhere.” Laughing at the impact of our preaching, we wondered how illusioned people may be. After all, we were just fifteen brahmacaries travelling the country up and down, distributing Srila Prabhupada's books day and night.

When fifteen devotees can strike such fear into the hearts of the demoniac leaders, how powerful can Krsna Consciousness be? One Prahlad maharaja struck fear into Hiranyakashipu's heart. One single child.

No wonder Srila Prabhupada didn't focus on quantity but on purity. It is the purity of his speech that, regardless of how some fools tend to interpret it, will have an automatic impact on society. Cheaters come in plenty; pure devotees are more rare as we can imagine. But here is hope: Srila Prabhupada advocated that by following the pure one, one is actually pure oneself. And so in range of our limmits, when following Srila Prabhupada, we also can make some impact in society, not by compromising his words but by explaining them properly to the doubtful audience.

I can only challenge any arrogant rascal by dint of this text to answer directly to me when seeing some of Srila Prabhupada's statements being “controversial,” and I can only humbly beg the more innocent ones to share with me or clarify with me the ways to understand Srila Prabhupada's words more deeply and effectively.
Let's understand Srila Prabhupada more should be the guideline of our lives.

It is his voice of sanity, which is more and more evidently the means of survival in this age of hypocricy and quarells manifested in front of our eyes. It is indeed more and more evident how accurate and farsighted his statements are.

Krsna Himself gives to Arjuna at the end of His Bhagavad Gita a simple choice:
Being an individual soul, Arjuna can take His statements to be Absolute Truth or reject them. In this way, he may either flourish or perish.

It is only this choice we have.