When Srila Prabhupada says that to go back to Krsna...
Q: When Srila Prabhupada says that to go back to Krsna we shall transcend mode of goodness, does it mean that we don´t have to strive to raise up ourselves through the three modes of nature to the level of goodness, and then higher, or we shall try directly to "transcend" all three modes, and how?
A: This is a permanently relevant question as the conditioned soul has a permanent tendency to cheat, above all to cheat oneself. To consider oneself to be somebody one is not is an ongoing illusion dominating this world.
Unfortunately it doesn´t stop even when one is finally contacting Krsna Consciousness, there are ample opportunities to be mistaken regarding ones spiritual status and the position one operates from.
But, as Srila Prabhupada said, the prove is in the taste. Guru-sastra-sadhu evidence is uncompromising and so are the ways material nature controls the living entity. And so one can cheat some for long time, many for short time, but never everybody for all the time.
Krsna Consciousness is scientific, and as during a real scientific process, there is a way to experiment, to observe and then to conclude. And so it has to be on basis of sastric evidence clearly observed who is transcendentally situated or to what degree one is transcendentally situated.
During a walk in Mayapur on February 4th, 1976 Srila Prabhupada issues a clear warning for His disciples not to move into positions they are not fit for. Actually on some occasions He openly stated that none of us is fit for executing devotional service, but by the mercy of guru and Lord Caitanya it is possible. The same month, during another walk on February 26th, Srila Prabhupada, seeing the “big rush” for the sannyas asrama amongst His disciples, opposed by stating ”don´t take sannyas just to cheat”.
So our only chance to be transcendetally situated is to follow one who is transcendentally situated. By his mercy our activities can be considered “spiritualized”.
Srila Prabhupada clears this wonderfully in a letter to Bhagavan das dated November 9th, 1969:
“Regarding your final question, it is a fact that when one is in contact with Krishna, His Name, His Qualities, His Form, His Pastimes, immediately one becomes purified. But because we are conscious living entities, the proportion depends on our conscious acceptance. It is stated in the Bhagavad Gita that Lord Krishna responds proportionally to the service of the devotee. Another example is that the sunlight is open for everyone and for every place, but to enjoy sunlight depends on the proportionate arrangement but the receiver. Prosecution of devotional service means gradual purification and proportionate revelation of Krishna Consciousness.”
The word “gradual” is often used by Srila Prabhupada, even there is such an opportunity to receive guru-krpa, instant elevation to spiritual platform. But Srila Prabhupada describes it as being very exceptional. Usually sadhana is the way to progress.
Even when practicing Krsna Consciousness, for a beginner the influence of the modes of nature doesn´t stop instantly. Therefore Lord Kapiladeva instructs His mother Devahuti about three kinds of devotional service, which, even by nature transcendental, is still conducted by the not yet fully transcendentally situated performer. The service is fully transcendental, but not the perfomer, at least not yet. Nevertheless, the only purifying agent is again... the very same devotional service, which is by nature self-purifying.
Lord Kapila says:
“O noble lady, there are multifarious paths of devotional service in terms of the different qualities of the executor”.
“Devotional service executed by a person who is envious, proud, violent and angry, and who is a separatist, is considered to be in the mode of darkness.”
“The worship of the Deities in the temple by a separatist, with a motive for material enjoyment, fame and opulence, is devotion in the mode of passion.”
Here Srila Prabhupada explains who is “separatist”:
“The word “separatist” must be understood carefully. The sanskrit words in this connection are bhinna-drk and prthag-bhavah. A separatist is one who sees his interest as separate from that of the Supreme Lord. Mixed devotees, or devotees in the modes of passion and ignorance, think that the interest of the Supreme Lord is supplying the orders of the devotee; the interest of such devotee is to draw from the Lord as much as possible for their sense gratification. This is separatist mentality.”
“When a devotee worships the Supreme Personality of Godhead and offers the results of his activities in order to free himself from inebrieties of fruitive activities, his devotion is in the mode of goodness.”
And finally the highest level of truly transcendental devotional service is described:
“The manifestation of unadulterated devotional service is exhibited when one´s mind is at once attracted to hearing the transcendental name and qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is residing in everyone's heart. Just as the water of the Ganges flows naturally down towards the ocean, such devotional ecstasy, uninterrupted by any material condition, flows towards the Supreme Lord.