Is Krsna Vegan?

17 May 2018

Obviously not, the "Veganism", how probably Srila Prabhupada would call it, is just another attempt of the conditioned souls to be unique, distinct… and foolish.
That doesn’t mean that as a preacher one has to immediately discredit this type of life style. But as some devotees follow this diet in almost fanatical and hysterical way, they better know that this concocted idea has nothing to do with what Krsna has to say.

Actually it is offensive to the Supreme Lord, carrying the critical attitude towards His non-vegan life style. Krsna Himself is herding the cows and bringing them every night home for milking. Srila Prabhupada declares milk to be the food of the sages, invigorating brain with new energy. But our Vegan-friends claim to know better.

As much Srila Prabhupada was tolerant to the dietary habits of his disciples, specially of those who were actively engaged in preaching and book publication, he didn’t made any secret that we are finally not concerned with vegetarians, what to speak with any other "special foods".

As he writes to one of His disciples:

“Regarding your letter asking me permission for taking prasadam comprising fruits, nuts, milk product and green leafy vegetables… if your health for rendering service to Krishna with more energy, then you must take such prasadam instead of cooked food. If required you can take raw cereals soaked in water over night that is also good. The thing is you must accept such food as will keep you fit. Not more or less that is the injunction of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita.”
Hawaii, 23rg of March 1969

So Srila Prabhupada’s pragmatism is once again the ultimate guide line to avoid all unnecessary controversies regarding the maintenance of our body.