How should be mathajis addressed?
I am not aware how far the discussion about how to address mathajis is still going on, but whoever it started may be inspired by following letter from Srila Prabhupada:
Srila Prabhupada is ending a letter to Mukunda Prabhu written on 13th of April in Mumbai with:
“… Please offer my blessings to … Adeti Devi, Martha, Adeline and Mandakini PRABHUS.”
So obviously Srila Prabhupada had no problem to address mathajis PRABHUS, so why should we create a point when Srila Prabhupada had none.
Of course, the word mathaji in itself is most honorable one. At least from vedic point of view there is hardly more respectful way to address a women as "mother". The specifically mentioned mothers in vedic culture are not many.
Another anomaly besides "prabhudini" could arise by mentioning sannyas being given to women. Srila Prabhupada, in bad need to designate unmarried girls joining ISKCON in large numbers, invented the word "brahmacarini". But He never made it to a secret that all girls should be married.
Still, in a letter to Sriman Nevatiaji Srila Prabhupada writes on 16th of July 1970:
“Regarding Swamis and "Swaminis", you have been misinformed. Among my disciples there is only one Swami or Sannyasi, but there is no "Swaminie". Women is never offered sannyas in Vedic culture… I am very sorry to inform you that there are some Indian "swamis" in this country who are living with so-called "swaminies". But so far we are concerned we follow strictly four regulative principles…”