How can a devotee manager be more inspirational to others?
Nobody can be "inspirational" to everybody everywhere. Even Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of all inspiration, cannot inspire everybody to go back home back to Godhead if that individual souls doesn’t want to. Especially in this age of arrogance and consequent quarrel based on the hypocritical understanding of one’s own identity, it is most difficult to disseminate the knowledge leading to the realization of one’s true constitutional identity.
And so everybody emanating any sort of authority will be exposed to criticism, especially from those individuals who are not willing to accept any managerial responsibility for the maintenance and expansion of Srila Prabhupada’s mission. It’s symptomatic for sudras and mlechas to talk a lot, but do little.
It is widely spread already that Krsna consciousness is something very private and more "inside" as "outside". The idea of establishing this distinction is a deviation. For Srila Prabhupada there was no "inside" or "outside", as everything done for the Supreme Lord is of absolute nature. It was here when Srila Prabhupada caught His disciples by surprise while entering Vrndavana Dhama with the idea to establish "our" temple, He exclaimed: "We need concrete". He didn’t say: "We need internal ecstasy".
And so a manager, always pointing to the daily needs and emergencies at hand, cannot expect to be appreciated by those who seek "the inside" and consider the "outside" of Krsna consciousness being maya. Such mayavadis cannot appreciate the ecstasy derived from pain of management in an attempt to establish Srila Prabhupada’s visions.
To be inspirational for those who indeed can be inspired means to maintain the purity of purpose. That means a manager seeks nothing else as to please His spiritual master, expecting others to do the same. Sober and non envious devotees will appreciate such purity; even it may not always correspond to the external code of etiquette. No manager will claim to be free of the tendency to commit mistakes, he just doesn’t repeat them, always ready to learn and use any resource at hand.
Finally a manager can truly inspire only those who share the same source of inspiration: the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada. Others may always find fault in anybody who would dare to impose upon them some authority. Such an independent homemade "transcendentalists" always cause havoc, destined soon to fall down or deviate while accepting the authority of their minds and false egos.
Seeing things this way one finds ISKCON being a very small movement. The number of those who are ready to follow their spiritual master unconditionally is truly small. Regardless how many of ISKCON authorities might have experienced difficulties in the past; the parampara system Srila Prabhupada established is not to be changed. He never encouraged blind following, but He also never encouraged independent actions.
The power of strictly following the instructions of one’s own spiritual master is clearly described in the sastra. Even demons became victorious over demigods while following the authority of their seminal guru, what to speak of true disciples following the authority of a pure devotee! Such is the power behind the parampara principle. Finally, the result will show if the inspiration derived from following a particular leader is indeed authorized or not. ISKCON had its share of passionately inspired projects and actions, they all failed. Those actions and projects based on principles given by Srila Prabhupada didn’t. One can see on long term basis what prevails and what will be destroyed by time.
And so the original meaning of inspiration can be only derived from the origin itself, the sincere desire to fulfill the supreme desire of the Supreme Personality of Godhead manifested through His most intimate servant. Other inspirations along with their inspiring managers will vanish.