How much time should devotees spend in India?

20 Feb 2018

When I joined 1972, I already had a ticket for India. It was still valid and so devotees took it away from me and sold it. They told me: "You will go to India later on with us". It took five years of intense book distribution before I was allowed to go. I had no regret as by that time I could appreciate the unique atmosphere of the Holy Dhamas far more as I would have had as an eighteen years old art student.

1977 it was an unspoken rule in ISKCON that devotees serving in the West were in recognition of their preaching service awarded a visit in the "Mayapur-Vrndavana Festival". Mayapur-Vrndavana Festival was scheduled for two weeks Mayapur and two weeks Vrndavana. Almost all devotees came from various temples and no temple could afford to miss their preachers, book distributors, more as one month. Those who wanted to stay in India longer had to automatically join some of the local ISKCON temple. To "roam" around India in "search after spiritual enlightenment" was unthinkable.

Srila Prabhupada also issued firm orders instructing devotees where to go and with whom to associate.

  1. No devotee was permitted to visit any other temple outside of the official ISKCON parikramas.
  2. No devotee was permitted to listen to any other lectures as to those given by ISKCON devotees. "If you don’t like the lectures given in the temple, then YOU give a lecture, but don’t go anywhere." Srila Prabhupada said.
  3. No other books were permitted to be studied as ISKCON publications. Srila Prabhupada even complained "where our brahmacaries get the money to purchase such literature."

Of course, from today’s point of view such statements sound almost nostalgic. Even absolute neophytes are encouraged to board airplanes to India at earliest opportunity. Heading for Govardhana Hill, they are joining the rasika mood of their spiritual mentors and while rolling in the dust of the Holy Dhama, (mostly because of intense stomach pain due to overeating), they eagerly collect immense amounts of silas, not hesitating to pay the overweight fees on their return trip. Exhibiting kilos of such silas, (or just stones?) on their home altars, decorating themselves with monumental neck and japa -beads, they elaborate to the amazed local congregational members on the most intimate pastimes of the Lord… before they return to their favorite bar around the corner for their daily drink.

Seeing the need for protecting His followers, Srila Prabhupada worked hard to establish ISKCON temples in India so His disciples find shelter from the onslaught of re-initiation greed of the local guru community. The very same sadhus whose grand-grandfathers might have planed to kill Bhaktisiddhanta maharaja when he visited Vrndavana are now eager to harvest what Srila Prabhupada has planted. Who is a real sadhu and who is a cheater proofed even for the ISKCON dignitaries difficult to distinguish, what to speak of Bhakta Joe.

Even the most saintly person may differ in detail from Srila Prabhupada’s unique and empowered way to present Krishna consciousness to "English speaking people", a mission given to Him directly by His spiritual master. The higher one goes the more narrow is the path of Bhakti and not vise versa as some preachers might like us to believe. And so fools dash in where angels don’t dare. Wrong association can be devastating, the right association uplifting and Srila Prabhupada’s association transcendentally liberating.

Those who visit the Holy Dhamas first time are well advised to seek shelter of experienced resident ISKCON devotees who are trained to maintain the essence of Srila Prabhupada’s teachings even in the presence of often well versed deviators. What is food for one may be the poison for another. Srila Prabhupada was very careful not to expose us to those levels of Krsna consciousness which we were absolutely not qualified for. His response was instant and clear: "This is not for you".

The present whole sale of Krishna-consciousness for reduced or better to say watered down price was absolutely not sanctioned by Him. To visit the real Vrndavana had the price to proof oneself first within the mission of spiritual master. Only then a disciple was permitted to come close to the holiest of Holy places. Srila Prabhupada didn’t even facilitate residence of grhastas in Vrndavana, He always pointed to Mayapur which was originally meant to be a grhasta farming community centered around the monumental temple of Lord Catania. He clearly said that Vrndavana is for those who follow in the footsteps of Six Goswamis, that means who are entirely dedicated to the path of ultimate renunciation only.

At least those who spend daily their life with preaching activities, know that the search after the sound of Lord Krishna’s flute is not exactly the main problem of the animalistic population they deal with. It is for this reason Srila Prabhupada focused mainly in His preaching on achievement of human form of life and the consequent embarkation on the final journey back home back to Godhead as on the presentation of the most intimate parts of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna lilas. When He was asked by His editors why He suddenly slowed down in His translation work while composing Krsna Book, He, arriving at the Rasa-Lila chapters, said: "I have to put it very carefully".

And so it’s safe to precede in His footsteps "very carefully".