How can we start and maintain grhasta communities? (part 1)

20 Feb 2018

Many books could be written and should be written regarding this theme. Most of the practicing members of ISKCON today are grhastas. Whenever possible grhastas should form communities. Everybody can only benefit from such a project. Specially the children will, as they will automatically absorb the mood of their environment in form of friends and teachers of all kinds.

Grhasta communities are formed either by new congregational members or older devotees, often brahmacaries who got married. Both can mutually benefit from each other as brahmacaries enjoyed ideally strong sadhana training and congregational members again bring often experiences from the material society in form of business skills and the way of "practical living" while facing the challenges society exposed them to.


No community can flourish without its members sharing common values and principles. And so a constitution for such a community is necessary, giving guide line to all its members. Here is a suggestion how it could be formulated:




All residents must be loyal to the teachings of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada by recognizing Him as the Founder Acharya of ISKCON.


All residents should follow the four regulative principles as established by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: 

  • no illicit sex life, that means no sex life which is not aimed towards creation of children.
  • no gambling.
  • no meat eating including fish and eggs.
  • no intoxication including tea and coffee. 


All residents should chant sixteen rounds of Hare Krsna mantra daily. Children should be introduced to this practice at earliest age possible, not by force, but by the positive example of their parents.


All residents should join the kirtan functions in the community and the preaching functions taking place outside as much as possible.


All residents should earn their livelihood by honorable means, preferably by distributing prasadam and books of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada.


All residents should be loyal to Vedic culture by honoring vaisnavas, brahmanas, sannyasis and brahmacaries by offering them as long they follow the above mentioned principles support.


All residents should be governed by local Grhasta Council which should meet on weekly basis and discuss the relevant issues concerning the welfare of the community. Membership and the attendance of the meetings is compulsory for one representant of the resident family only. Voting rights to each member are given upon decision of all members of the Council. There can be voting and non-voting members. 

ABOVE ALL: Each community should have a BRAHMINICAL guide in form of a sannyasi or experienced grhasta, vanaprastha. It was observed that if grhastas are conducting communal life simply between themselves without any brahminical guidance the tendency increases to compromise the standards mentioned above. To find a brahmana who is indeed qualified to counsel grhastas might be not an easy task, nevertheless it is most essential for the survival of such a community.


All residents should live in consideration of the needs of other community members.


All residents are obliged to pay their regular monthly fees in case of using any common facilities for the purpose of their maintenance as established by the grhasta council.


No brahmacaries should assume a permanent residence in the community due to their brahmacary status. However, they are welcomed guests and should be received warmly and respectfully in the same fashion sannyasis are.

The ashramas should be according varnasrama dharma clearly followed. (No "semi-brahmacaries" or "semi-grhastas", what to speak of "semi-sannyasis".)


The residents should respect each individual gurus as long they follow A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.


Women should be protected. Any violence towards them, specially of physical nature, should be brought to the attention of the Grhasta Council and dealt with. The grhastas committing such an offence should be warned first and if not rectified expelled from the community. Similarly, children cannot be beaten but can be and has to be if needed restricted firmly. The parents are entirely responsible for their children.


Any form of child abuse should be reported to the Grhasta Council immediately and after possible conciliation with the ISKCON authorities reported to the local police. All materials available from ISKCONs side should be studied by the Grhasta Council or its sub-committee carefully.

Certainly, all these points are simply a basis of a constitution which can contain far more detailed points according the time and circumstances. It is important that the policies of the community, especially regarding the education of the children should be synchronized amongst the members as the different standards introduced by the children into the community led in the past amongst other elements to complete disintegration of such communities. What follows is a list of possible challenges such a community has to face:

  1. A guru of particular member falls down.
  2. A member of the community leaves Srila Prabhupada’s guidance and follows a non-ISKCON preacher.
  3. One family member compromises the principles set by the community.
  4. Divorce.
  5. Loss of sadhana due to work outside of the community.
  6. Neglect of chanting of the prescribed rounds.
  7. Unrestricted usage of internet.
  8. Residence of non-devotee family members.

Srila Prabhupada quotes Chanyaka Pandit regarding grhasta ashrama. Grhastas should be aware of three points:

  1. Bogus preachers should not be invited.
  2. Grains has to be stored, means basic economical needs have to be secured.
  3. MOST IMPORTANT! Wife and husband should no quarrel, then Laksmiji will be automatically their guest.