The Terrifying Effects of Indiscriminate Immigration

Srila Prabhupada didn't hesitate to comment on up-to-date issues, once even taking inspiration from a magazine he saw while flying on an aeroplane, which carried the title:
"Crime. What to Do with It?".
He consequently gave a whole series of lectures explaining how, by dint of Krsna Consciousness, even a criminal can be reformed.
And so, on the strength of his words and much sastric evidence, we could today ask, “Indiscriminate immigration, what to do with it?”
One doesn't have to be a devotee of Krsna in order to understand the difference between immigration and invasion.
What the background of the massive invasion of mostly antagonistic residents of entirely different cultures may be can only be speculated about, but that it is a financed and organised action is easy to see. Europe suffers from high criminality, experiencing excessive violence not seen since the Second World War.
Opening the pages of Srimad Bhagavatam, we find detailed information about pious kings managing the whole planet Earth with all the different races living on it. Such expert managers of nations associate each particular race with a particular living area, including even a particular dress. This was not done by force, but by a scientific study of the conditioning each race was dominated by. The particular race was defined according to the karma it shared, and no race was allowed to disturb the karma of another.
Such kings were fully aware that there is a reason we are, according to our karma, born in a particular location, and it is here that we should carry our karma out with the only option left: to change it through spiritual practice.
On the spiritual platform, we find true unity, realising our original spiritual identity as eternal servants of God; any other attempt to unite must fail. So strong is the law of karma that even when relocating our bodies, the amount of pain and pleasure being administered to us is the same.
As the saying goes, if one puts a clown on a throne, he doesn't become a king, but the kingdom becomes a circus.
The arogant attempt of demoniac leaders to play God and shift masses of people around for economic and political purposes is going to produce chaos of unseen proportions. As the lower classes of men tend to reproduce themselves in an unrestrictive way, their mentality becomes prominent, driving the saner section of society into exile. As seen in the example of America, where violantly one entirely different race of people was not only killed but another race for economic purposes kidnapped from Africa, the dormant conflict is still there despite the hysterical screems of pseudo-humanists.
This text was written by somebody who was an immigrant his whole life. By the age of thirteen, my parents escaped from communistic Czechoslovakia as Russian tanks rolled over the country, and I found myself to be an uninvited guest in Germany, tasting here and there 1968, still the prevailing fashism in a “democratic” country.
By 1972, I had joined the Srila Prabhupadas transcendental movement, but due to my not yet ripened understanding of the fact that we are not this body, I still witnessed in the last fifty years a great variety of how Krsna Consciousness is accepted and understood by various races of men. Living in various countries, including Scandinavia, I more and more understood the urgent need of varnasrama society, as in this vedic concept of life, originating from the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, both the material and the spiritual nature of every human being are taken into consideration.
Srila Prabhupada made it very clear that on a material platform we will never unite, and in this world there will always be conflict and violance. After all, the central book of our teachings, the Bhagavad Gita, is the most vivid illustration of this fact. Even in his movement, all the problems and conflicts can be traced back to the unfulfilled material desires of its members. Only in the absence of such material ambitions is cooperation possible.
What to speak of a “society” that is purely based on the satisfaction of material desires manifested through eating, sleeping, mating, and defending. The statement of Srila Prabhupada that such a society is actually an animalistic society can be led ad absurdum by the unregulated way “humans“ act today, defying any regulation even animals are governed by.
Once such pseudo-animals are in an unrestrictive way mixed together, desaster is ensured, leading to the total social, economic, and, above all, moral collapse of society.
It is here that those equipped still with some deacency and brain may take shelter in the study and practice of Srila Prabhupadas legacy, above all his books, where they will also find a way human society should and could function.
Unless exposed to absolute emergencies such as floods, earthquakes, and other anomalies material nature may offer, nobody migrates anywhere in Vedic society, as he simply tries to cultivate God consciousness wherever he is born in that particular life. Krsna Consciousness cannot be conditioned by material circumstances and can be practiced anywhere.
Any man-made disaster, like the present organised, indiscriminate immigration policy, can only increase the hellish nature of this place.
Much more could be said and discussed on this theme, but when studying carefully Srila Prabhupadas legacy, we may find out that he actually said it all.