The Myth of Senior Vaishnavism

21 Jan 2025

As we learn from the Srimad Bhagavatam, seniority is highly valued in Vedic culture. Senior members of society can serve the younger ones with valuable practical advice not only on how to return back home, back to Godhead, but also on how to survive in this intricate material world governed by the law of karma.

Culture means that everybody is a servant. One person serves by action, another by valuable advice. Considering the lives of devotees today, we are far from such ideals. Ignoring (not purifying) our varnasrama-designed bodies, we may claim to have the transcendental status of a "senior Vaisnava." However, considering the sinful background from which ALL residents of Kali Yuga come and recognizing our "spiritual infancy," our spiritual status is strictly defined by how well we follow our spiritual father and grandfather, the Founder-Acharya, Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada.

Even those who claim to be his disciples or "senior Vaisnavas" may be false in their appearance and deceitful. A disciple is recognized only by their discipline, meaning their loyalty to the instructions of their guru. A senior Vaisnava is ANYBODY who seriously follows the process on the basis of vijnana, or practically applied spiritual knowledge. Of course, even an immature devotee can give valuable theoretical advice based on the guidance they have received, but such knowledge remains theoretical until it is realized.

Anybody, regardless of bodily age, can be a spiritual master if they master the art of vijnana. This principle was clearly demonstrated by Lord Kapiladeva when He instructed His mother, a clear departure from seniority standards in Vedic society.

No wonder new devotees are shocked when yet another "senior Vaisnava" falls from the cradle of Srila Prabhupada’s care. In their spiritual infancy, they may oppose their total dependency on their guru, exposing themselves to great danger.

To become a "senior Vaisnava" within sixty years is, for most of us, a farce. We have roamed through the material world for millions of years, seeking fulfillment of material desires. Can we truly erase such a record in just sixty years? By the mercy of one’s guru, it is possible... but let’s see. There must be clear evidence. Maya mercifully tests all of us so that no false invader sneaks into the spiritual world. One may cheat many, including oneself, but one cannot cheat the Supreme Lord. His "immigration control" is perfect and cannot be bypassed.

The cult of seniority, eagerly maintained by those who live luxuriously because of it, is false. It is entirely based on the bodily concept of life—the notion that we are these bodies and that the age of the body designates our spiritual status. Alongside this idea is the belief that institutional designation defines our spiritual status. These misconceptions create an illusory world of pseudo-transcendentalists and pseudo-worshippers. As one of my fallen godbrothers once said: "They always tell me we’ve transcended varnasrama society, but we’re not even ready for it!"

He himself became a testimony to what happens when a disciple leaves the shelter of their guru and accepts the false status of seniority. One may physically reside in the Holy Dham (Srila Prabhupada left the Holy Dham to preach and turned every place he lived into a Holy Dham), but that alone will not save one from hypocrisy. Holy places are often invaded by premature pseudo-transcendentalists who risk being born there again as dogs. That may still be a form of spiritual advancement, but Srila Prabhupada did not recommend it as a goal.

Ultimately, Truth will prevail, either by dint of our sincerity and honesty or through the strict regulations imposed upon us by material energy itself. One may cheat a few for a long time, or many for a short time, but one cannot cheat everyone forever, as Srila Prabhupada said.

A real devotee considers themselves to always be in the process of learning. One never stops being a student in Krsna consciousness. Of course, becoming a genuine senior Vaisnava, a sincere candidate for returning back home, back to Godhead, does not mean learning unconditionally from just anyone claiming to be a teacher. It means learning from the guru-parampara and selecting one’s guru—whether diksa or siksa—from that parampara.

A new devotee has no choice but to follow somewhat unconditionally. However, as one gradually grows in Krsna consciousness, they become more cautious (not suspicious) and begin to ask more relevant questions, such as:

  1. Where does my guru come from?
  2. How far does he follow his own guru?
  3. Where does what he is preaching come from?
  4. What is he actually doing (not just saying)?
  5. Is an inquisitive question already considered an offense?
  6. Who is the real Vaisnava I should avoid committing aparadha against?
  7. How does my guru maintain his body?
  8. What kind of association does my guru maintain? Who are his friends?

Such an inquiring follower may be ostracized by dogmatic, institutionally established autocrats. However, this should not deter them from following the path of thoughtful inquiry (manisinah)—being deliberate and conscious about what they are doing and whom they are following. The whole process of Krsna consciousness, including our main books like Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, is based on the process of questions by sincere disciples and answers by a sincere guru or the Ultimate Guru, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna Himself.

Kanistha-adhikaris and demons do not appreciate this process. They intimidate those who ask relevant questions, attempting to drive them away. Such individuals prefer blind, submissive followers whom they can control in the name of surrender. They forget that the Supreme Controller already exists, and we are all His servants.

A serious devotee of the madhyama-adhikari class avoids such persons and seeks the association of those who are ready to ask meaningful questions and seek real answers. In this regard, Srila Prabhupada has already given us all the answers we need. We simply need to sincerely endeavor to find them.

A sincere devotee receives assistance both internally and externally. A cheater also finds assistance. Guided by crooked motivations, they find the "right authority" to reinforce their vanity, narcissism, and false seniority. Everything is perfectly arranged by the Supreme Lord, who declares that "everyone follows His path." However, it is up to us to follow the right path and not be cheated. The choice is ours.